Leading Flag / Bunting Manufacturer ransomware attack


Ransomware attack

20 years ago saw the stratospheric rise of the use of the internet and web-based apps and email. A
challenging time for many small businesses, especially those who were just beginning to use web services as part of
their business. Many were unaware of the vulnerabilities and threats by hackers and as a consequence, were subject
to numerous cyber attacks which caused significant losses in valuable data and revenue.

ACS were the called upon to provide IT support over 20 years ago to advise on online safety and protection against
hackers. They had recently been the subject of a ransomware attack that encrypted all the files on their network and
effectively shut down their business.



ACS had deployed an online backup and recovery system before this attack, which meant we could restore
their data and recover their losses in a relatively short space of time. Following this, we also advised them to install a
SonicWall TZ Firewall to protect against future attacks and capture any malware before it reaches their system.

To date, no further cyber attacks have broken through.